I get this question a lot. Or, more often this: “I just wash my face with water… do I really need a cleanser?”
My new analogy is this: If you were at a fabulous restaurant and ate a delicious meal and then discovered that the dishes were never washed with soap, they were only rinsed off with water, what would you think? Would ever go back to that restaurant again? Would you even be able to hold down the terrific meal you just ate off that gross plate?
We live in a city filled with smog. Even on a clear day we’re exposed to car exhausts, dust from construction, people that may still have a cold or virus kissing us, etc. We touch our face more than we’d like to admit… more than we think we do. After touching food, papers, countertops, other people’s bodies, the dog that just rolled around in dirt, etc. You get the point.
Sorry to gross you out, but the truth is that most people aren’t washing their face properly, so here are some simple tips:
1) Use a cleanser designed for your face. Not Ivory soap, not Dove body wash or face oil–which seems to be the new hot thing. Oil doesn’t break down oil. Use a facial cleanser that’s pH balanced for your skin, meaning it’s a little more acidic than your skin so that it can break up oils and slough off dead skin cells.
2) Work the cleanser in for at least a minute or two. I know it sounds frivolous, but we don’t brush our teeth in 20 seconds. Just like most of us have learned the two minute rule for our teeth, the same applies to our face.
3) Use a wash cloth to remove the cleanser. Just splashing water on your face isn’t going to remove all the cleanser and you’ll be left with residue from your soap along with dead skin cells and dirt that didn’t come off with the water.
4) Use a toner. I used to think this wasn’t an important step, but I’ve changed my mind. Especially after realizing that most people just don’t know how to wash their face properly. There are toners for all different skin types. The best way to use a toner is to apply it with a folded up four by four square of gauze and don’t be afraid to use a little pressure. Keep applying until the gauze is clean.
5) Make sure you repeat the above steps morning AND night.
Come by the studio and we’ll be happy to help you choose the perfect cleanser and toner for your skin issues.
Happy cleansing!!!
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