I recently became a Certified Wellness Consultant through an impressive wellness company named M’Lis. I discovered M’Lis while searching for a nice body wrap to add to the Peace of Mind menu of services. What I found was so much more than a wrap (although let me tell you, the wrap is pretty darned impressive). M’Lis was founded 30 years ago by a naturopathic doctor who claimed she eradicated fibromyalgia from her body through supplements and diet and exercise. I have lived with chronic pain for years (mostly headaches and back pain) but never even considered fibro as a possibility even though my mother has suffered with it for years.
But over the past few years I’ve definitely gotten more “creaky” and I just attributed to approaching the big 5-0. After going through this class, though, I think I may be on to something. Not that I would claim to be happy with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, but honestly, it would be relief to know what I have and especially now with the help of M’Lis that I can help my body heal naturally and not have to continue trying various medications and going in for creepy and painful injections.
After taking the health screening questionnaire provided by M’Lis, it turns out I have candida in my system. My instructors advised me to do the 30 Day Candida Cleanse before I decide whether or not I need to do the Fibromyalgia Program. According to them, getting the overabundance of yeast out of my system, may alleviate many of the aches and pains and excruciating headaches I frequently suffer from.
And so it begins…I start my 30 Day Cleanse a week from today and will blog about it here. I’d love to start now, but with our big open house coming up next Saturday I want to be able to party with my clients and drink wine and eat yummy food. I feel like a rebel, like I should just go ahead and pollute myself this week and then spend a month undoing the damage. So tacos tonight, cocktails with a girlfriend and Thursday, dinner plans on Friday, open house on Saturday and then I start.
Tonight I unpacked my box of goodies which contains a zillion bottles of supplements and two meal replacement shakes that I have the option to use during the cleanse. I have a tote bag overflowing with bottles and even my daughter wondered if what I’m about to do is wise. But honestly, I’m excited. If I can eliminate my headaches and even get 50% pain relief (and maybe even lose some weight!) then it will be worth it to give up sugar, breads, and yes, even coffee and alcohol, for 30 days. I heard day 9 is the worst so I’ll do my best to check in frequently and let you all know how it’s going and how I feel.
And in case you didn’t already figure it out, these programs are now available through Peace of Mind. But like everything else I bring in, I have to be the guinea pig. But if anyone is looking to start a cleanse on February 3rd…let me know! Would love a partner to complain to!
— Wendei
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